

Mike Ensminger

  Send Email  •  (205)529-7878

Hello and thanks for checking out our website!

I have been the Pastor at Harmony Church of Helena (Cumberland Presbyterian) since 2013. If you are looking for a church home I invite you to come visit or give me a call anytime and I will be glad to talk with you.

At Harmony Church of Helena you will feel like family because that is exactly what we are. It is easy to see why “You Are Loved” is the church motto from the moment you walk through the doors. I am certain that you can find a place here to worship and become part of a loving and caring church family. Whether you come only to attend the service or become involved in some of our activities we have plenty of opportunities for you to serve the Lord here at Harmony. We are active and supportive within our community and have ministries dedicated to help those in need.

Our service leans on the traditional side but in a very relaxed atmosphere. Come as you are and you will be welcomed. We sing from hymnals, preach from the Bible, recite the Apostles Creed, pray the Lord’s prayer and let the Holy Spirit fill us. 

We are a smaller congregation but large in spirit and growing every day. In fact we are excited to be in the beginning phases of a building project to expand our classrooms, sanctuary and update our facilities. I pray that by doing these things we will have even more ways and opportunities to serve the Lord and reach out to those in our community. Come join us as we embark on this journey and see what new and exciting things God has in store for us!

Come check us out and see why one of Shelby County’s oldest churches is still going strong today! May God bless you and I hope to see you soon!

In His Service,



Kitty Ensminger

  Send Email  •  (205)520-3466

Mission, Outreach & Stewardship Ministry Team

Re-typed 2-25-2015


  1. To be responsible for charitable programs and to investigate charity cases (with the Pastor) being in charge of such funds as are approved by the Session.
  2. Recommend to the Session: Faith missions and Second Mile giving projects and if approved, promote these projects.
  3. Serve as liaison between the CPW and the Session coordinating the overall mission of the church.
  4. Suggest policy to the Church Session concerning all outreach and evangelistic endeavors of the church such as revivals, visitation, and general publicity, etc.
  5. Carry out the directives of the Church Session regarding evangelistic and outreach activities.
  6. Plan and in November of each year carry out an annual stewardship emphasis in the church to enlist every member and those who attend, the church work. (note: the promotion of the budget should be published and promoted during the month of November with the approval of the Session).
  7. Suggest to the Session policy governing the stewardship program of the church.
  8. Make recommendations to the Session concerning the proper use and acknowledgment of memorial gifts to the church.
  9. Enlist members of the congregation for work in the evangelistic actives of the church under the oversight of the Session and the Pastor.
  10. Communicate with the congregation concerning the finances of the church by quarterly meetings and/or email.




Cathy Garrett

  Send Email  •  (302)345-1308

Christian Education Ministry Team


  1. Submit for the Session approval the name of individuals to serve as Sunday School teachers, CP Kids Leader, Children of the Light Director, and any others that have anything to do with the Christian education of the church (annually in August).
  2. Submit for the Session approval the names of the Director and Assistant Director of Vacation Bible School. This should be done no later than February in order to provide sufficient time to organize staff and gather materials.
  3. Be responsible for the Youth Director and youth program of the church.
  4. Be responsible for organizing and promoting special Christian education events; Sunday school rallies, Presbytery Seminars, plays, etc…
  5. Be responsible for the nursery worker for Sunday school, AM worship, evening activities, and any other special event (we have a paid nursery worker at the time).
  6. Be responsible for organizing and promoting the floats in the Helena Christmas Parade.




All Elders

  Send Email  •  (205)613-2157

Fellowship and Membership Ministry Team



  1. Suggest to the Church Session a policy regarding the assimilation of new people into the membership and activities of the Church.
  2. Plan Homecoming meal, Thanksgiving harvest meal and Christmas party for the church, and any other special event.
  3. Enlist necessary persons to prepare, heat, serve and clean up after fellowship meal and special events delegated to the committee by the Session. Make a list and give it to the office by the end of December.
  4. Be in charge of Mug’um program of the Church to first-time visitors in our worship service. This includes making a list of those who will serve and giving it to the Church office by the end of December each year.
  5. Inventory and maintain the supplies necessary for the fellowship and special services by the Session. Give the supply list to the Church office.



Laura Deal

  Send Email  •  (912)539-0107

Worship & Music Ministry Team


  1. Work with Pastor regarding worship services, worship evaluation, planning, directing, etc.
  2. Work with the Music Director, organist, pianist, etc., making sure there is someone to play at all services.
  3. Secure individuals to serve as Head Usher for the coming year. The head usher will be responsible for ensuring that users are present for special services.
  4. Select the Elders necessary to serve the Sacrament of Holy Communion during the designated services and prepare the elements or get someone to do this.
  5. Secure pulpit supply along with the Pastor when he is to be away and during the interim between pastors.
  6. Counsel with the Buildings, Grounds, and Maintenance committee covering any maintenance, repair of any change, which will provide better worship facilities.
  7. Consult with the Buildings, Ground, and Maintenance Committee to provide for regular maintenance and repair of pa system and musical instruments.





Joe Lange

  Send Email  •  (205)703-1579

Buildings, Grounds and Maintenance Ministry Team



  1. See that the church building is made ready for scheduled fellowship events. Make sure air or heat is on and check thermostats.
  2. Ensure that the church facilities are made ready for all regular and special services.
  3. Be responsible for a janitor and janitorial supplies.
  4. See that regular attention is given to lawn, landscaping, adequate parking, and outside lighting.
  5. Provide adequate equipment to meet the maintenance of the church facilities and grounds.
  6. Make regular inspection of the church and life center of such items; roof, floors, plumbing, lighting, windows, painted areas, etc,.
  7. Carry out needed repairs and suggest to the Session areas that will require attention in the near future.
  8. Provide for regular maintenance and repair of fixed equipment such as heating, air conditioning, plants, kitchen facilities, etc…at the church and the Life Center.
  9. Maintain an inventory and valuation of all contents of the church.
  10. Carry out the directives of the Session in the area of property maintenance.
  11. Promote and carry out grounds beautification and church beautification.


Additional Responsibilities

Additional Elder Responsibilities


  1. Duty Elders –
  • Scheduled a month at a time
  • Meet in the church office and count money from offering after morning worship
  • Always 2 elders for each month
  • Someone had to take the deposit to the bank and leave in the night deposit
  • Make copies of the checks for the offering.
  • Please be sure you can read the check numbers and who signed the checks from the copies you make. These checks are entered into the Church Tracking system to be able to provide our members and guests with a financial statement for EOY tax filing.
  •  If you won’t be attending on the Sunday that you are a duty elder, please contact the other elders to let them know.
  1. Fellowship Host
  • Meet at the church at least 30 minutes (or how long you deem necessary) and prepare the serving tables for the fellowship meal.
  • Help our members any way possible as they come thru the serving line.
  • Clean up after the meal. This means washing the dishes, putting up all church utensils, and leaving the church cleaner than you found it.


  1. Elder of the Month
  • Prepare devotion at the monthly session meeting
  • Be prepared to visit hospital/sick members of the congregation with a pastor
  • Help Pastor or other elders with anything that is needed during this month




Michelle Burt

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