Worship & Music Ministry Team
- Work with Pastor regarding worship services, worship evaluation, planning, directing, etc.
- Work with the Music Director, organist, pianist, etc., making sure there is someone to play at all services.
- Secure individuals to serve as Head Usher for the coming year. The head usher will be responsible for ensuring that users are present for special services.
- Select the Elders necessary to serve the Sacrament of Holy Communion during the designated services and prepare the elements or get someone to do this.
- Secure pulpit supply along with the Pastor when he is to be away and during the interim between pastors.
- Counsel with the Buildings, Grounds, and Maintenance committee covering any maintenance, repair of any change, which will provide better worship facilities.
- Consult with the Buildings, Ground, and Maintenance Committee to provide for regular maintenance and repair of pa system and musical instruments.