All Elders


All Elders

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Fellowship and Membership Ministry Team



  1. Suggest to the Church Session a policy regarding the assimilation of new people into the membership and activities of the Church.
  2. Plan Homecoming meal, Thanksgiving harvest meal and Christmas party for the church, and any other special event.
  3. Enlist necessary persons to prepare, heat, serve and clean up after fellowship meal and special events delegated to the committee by the Session. Make a list and give it to the office by the end of December.
  4. Be in charge of Mug’um program of the Church to first-time visitors in our worship service. This includes making a list of those who will serve and giving it to the Church office by the end of December each year.
  5. Inventory and maintain the supplies necessary for the fellowship and special services by the Session. Give the supply list to the Church office.